Bootstrap is not just an ordinary mobile responsive website creating program but a leading one that has crossed the barriers of impossible and has launched the very best HTML, CSS and JS framework for this purpose. What is the dire need to make the websites mobile responsive? Well, as we look down at the latest stats, we see that most of the internet browsing is done via smartphones and devices like tablets. These devices have a different screen size and resolution. Thus, to make sure the viewer gets good view of the website and stays on it, it is necessary to make the website responsive.
Now you have a fair idea about why programs like bootstrap are required, right? Let’s talk about how you can use this program to enhance the productivity. The effective results depend on the techniques and skills you use. This is why, with the help of the leading social media agencies and digital marketers, we have managed to bring forth tips that can improve your Bootstrap skills in the present year and those coming ahead.
The top 6 are as follows:
1. Learn to play with Bootstrap buttons for versatility
You can create the custom Bootstrap buttons by using the right techniques. Better get your hands on it as it largely influences the user experience. This program has 5 functional button styles; default, primary, success, danger and warning. You can easily change the border-radius or padding of the button by easily modifying the code. The most commonly used is the. btn class. Moreover, you can also create a new button and incorporate the common Bootstrap button style in it.
2. Use Bootstrap carousel for a better visual effect
Recently a JavaScript component was added in the Bootstrap program and is referred as the Bootstrap Carousel. It is basically designed to improve the visual effect of your website. Learn how to use it and you’ll be able to upgrade your website to a higher level. Get in touch with its basics, see how you can play with the configuration options and learn different animation effects. This one will definitely improve your skills.
3. Get the latest updates on the frameworks as soon as possible
Bootstrap works by using a variety of frameworks. Some are specific for the improvement of the content while others enhance the visual elements and display of the website. The coding programs commonly used are HTML, CSS, and JS frameworks. You can use them to make any changes you want provided that you have the latest updates on these frameworks.
4. Carry out functional testing sessions
By functional testing, we mean that you test each and every component you design. Once you are done coding one, two or let’s say around three elements, check whether they do what they are coded for or not. This keeps a check on the progress of the work and on the skills of the worker. Even if you are facing difficulty in any particular section, through this method, you can pin point and fix it before it’s too late.
5. Practice how to show and hide elements on the smartphone
The Bootstrap grid functions are in itself a huge section. It involves a lot of things like making the columns the same height, adding vertical space in between, changing the order of the columns for the mobile screen and a lot of other things. Among them, what we find a little bit more important is the art of showing and hiding specific elements on the mobile screen. You can do this in the following ways:
- For xs devices, you can use the. hidden-xs class
- For other breakpoints, you can use the. hidden-(breakpoint) class
- The. visible-(breakpoint)-(display) class comes in handy if you want to show a specific element on only few devices. Also, use the display property here and you’ll be good to go.
All of these classes are quite good but the last one is used the most. As it is a bit complex, it is advised that you practice it and get your skills upgraded for this section as well.
6. Work on typography and layout elements
The social media service providers often stress upon the need to maintain the layout and typography standards on the web pages and social media apps. It’s not any different for the Bootstrap platform as well. You need to make sure you have knowledge about this section so that you can make good use of it. Learning the use of heading classes, centering the block element and a few other things help in making the website look welcoming. Once the user starts enjoying surfing on your website and gets used to your layout and style, he’ll for sure come back to your website every now and then to get his desired information.
With these six tips that we have mentioned above, you can make a great difference in the way you work with the Bootstrap program. Not only will it improve your website’s responsiveness but also give the viewers a stunning website to go through. Keeping your viewers happy and converting them into potential leads is the goal and Bootstrap helps you do that with ease.