Find perfect Bootstrap Theme

Find the Perfect Bootstrap Theme for Your Project

Have you ever found yourself stuck looking for the ideal Bootstrap theme?

Choosing a template to design your project can either be super fun, abundantly overwhelming or somewhere in between. I’m proposing you a simple project-oriented criteria that you can base your choices on.

Looking for something that’s mobile first? Check out these incredible list of the best mobile app templates out there.

Here is a list of possible projects and a theme correlated with specifically that:


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Bootstrap Modal with HTML

How to create a working Bootstrap Modal with HTML

Bootstrap Modal is very popular and important for the User Interface (UI). In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a Bootstrap Modal in 2 minutes.  It offers you a way to make information available for the user, without crowding what he sees at once.

The Bootstrap Modal is one of the most popular plugins offered by Bootstrap. This is a multi-purpose popup built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Basically, the modal is a scripted element that overlays over a website page.

Using the Bootstrap Modal plugin it is one of the best ways to load content inside a popup screen without writing any JavaScript.


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Bootstrap icon fonts

Bootstrap Icon Fonts: 7 Essential Resources

If you’re using Bootstrap, then you’re most certainly designing responsive layouts. And while responsive design has done wonders for creating mobile friendly web pages, it has also created new issues for designers.

One of these issues is the use of icons. The problem with image icons is that they don’t scale well and they’re difficult to manipulate without the help of an image editor. They can also add to the weight of a website and lead to slower load times.

The solution? Icon Fonts. (more…)

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responsive design

Top 5 Reasons to use Bootstrap

If you are just starting to learn Bootstrap, we have created a series of tutorials called 14 Days of Bootstrap 4 that can help you.


Are you a web designer or developer who’s new to Bootstrap and front-end frameworks? Are you wondering what all the hype is about? Allow us to shed some light.

Over the last few years, Bootstrap has become an increasingly popular front-end development framework. More and more developers and designers continue to get on board. Evidently, there’s a reason for that.

The Bootstrap framework is feature rich and offers several benefits to those using it. We go over these benefits in the top 5 reasons to use Bootstrap. (more…)

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