With a lot of freelance workers online, you have to take a careful look at each of them so you can pick the best. Today many people prefer working online as this is more convenient.
In 2017, up to 57.3 people in the US were working as freelancers. This is because there are many online jobs hiring freelancers. This gives you the opportunity to employ many talented people from across the world.
Here is what you should focus on when looking for freelance workers online to work on your business.
Review samples of freelancers
It is wise to ask for work samples from freelancers. This will provide a clear picture of what the professional can do. Samples give you the chance to evaluate the freelancer. You can verify if he or she has the skills that you need in your business. Aside from asking for a sample, you can provide a small task for the freelancer to complete.
Ask for references or reviews
References provide a lot of information on the individual’s professional knowledge and work ethics. Insisting on this is important when you want to hire freelancers. Marketplaces require employers to leave reviews each time a freelancer completes a project. You can then check these reviews and make an informed decision.
Conduct interviews
Having an interview can provide more information about a professional. Usually, many business owners hire candidates without conducting an interview. This might be a risky decision. It is better to interview the candidate, over the phone or on a Skype call. This way you will know about the candidate as you can ask more questions.
Be specific
Try to be as specific as possible when listing the requirements. Narrow down the skills that you need on a project. This will make it easier for you to find freelancers with the talent that you need. Spend less time scouting a lot of freelancers and focus on the ones with the skills that you want in your business.
Use marketplaces with skilled freelancers
Several marketplaces are available that offer you the opportunity to hire freelancers. Most marketplaces vet freelancers before creating an account. So, the freelancers can be trusted to perform the best on projects. Examples of such marketplaces include:
- Freelancer,
- Upwork,
- Guru,
- TopTal,
- 99Designs.
Check the freelancer’s availability
The whole point of freelancing is that a freelancer works for as many people a possible. You have to remember that you might not be the only one a freelancer is working for. That’s why you should always check and make sure that a freelancer is free and available to work on projects.
You should communicate with a freelance to ask if he or she is free. If a freelancer is occupied, you can contact someone else. Completing assignments on time is important for your business. Discover more at CustomWriting.com.
Check how fast a freelancer responds
Most of the time a freelancer may have a different time zone. This creates a bit of a problem especially when it comes to project completion, deadlines, and communication. Make sure you reach an agreement of when to communicate and complete tasks. Do this to avoid confusion in the future.
Analyze the rates of a freelancer
Different freelancers have different charging rates. Rates also differ based on the marketplace that you use. Make sure you pick a freelancer your business can afford to pay. If you select a freelancer who asks for a large sum for each project, it may cause you to incur losses in your business.
State clearly the project at the beginning
Before posting your job post on a marketplace, make sure you know what skills you are looking for. This will help you to state what you are looking for and find the talent that will be good for your business. Apart from the skills, also state;
- The project
- Duration of the project,
- Your expectations.
Encourage regular communication
Because freelancers work online, they may always be in contact with you. It may be hard for you to know the progress of a project. That’s why you have to communicate frequently to make sure the project is going as planned.
If any changes occur, you can inform the freelancer ahead of time. The freelancer may also have some decisions that you need to take immediately. Communication with the freelancer will increase productivity.
Follow these tips to make sure that you get the best freelancers that you need in your business. Get professionals who are passionate about what they do so that you will increase your income. This step is one of the most important ones that will boost your business.