Here are the news and updates for this week, 2018:
- Lyft has shared their learnings about working with color, and open-sourced their color algorithm. They have also created a nifty tool called Color Box so you can easily use their algorithm if you want to.
- Hopper has open-sourced its design on Figma. This is a new kind of action and a very welcomed one! Their design is simple and beautiful and looking over their structure could help you with your own design hierarchy.
- Jose Perez wrote a descriptive article about ways to optimise SVGs and make use of their capabilities using the Spotify logo as an example.

- This medium story describes the struggles of being a developer without a house, a car or the means to support yourself.

- If you are wondering how much you should sacrifice for your career, it is worth reading about other’s people experience. This article talks about choosing happiness over other goals.
- This website for Genesis, a London restaurant is definitely worth checking out. It features a black and white design with bizarre illustrations and a cursor that acts as a flashlight.
- The site for Japanese filmmaker Tao Tajima feels very plastic. The transitions on the site resemble effects given by camera lenses and the whole experience looks interesting and smooth.
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