But what other choice do you have? You need to display some text right?
You’re not the first designer who’s faced this problem and that’s why we searched the web for the best Lorem Ipsum alternatives to incorporate into your next project. Some are very useful while others are just plain hilarious. When developing your next Bootstrap theme, make sure to give one of these a try.
Blind Text Generator
Blind text generator is one of the most practical and useful dummy text alternatives for web developers and designers. There are currently 10 different language options (as well as Lorem Ipsum) and a variety of formatting options to choose from. In addition to the standard options that most text generators provide, you even have the option to format the text and it will spit out the CSS code.
Not Lorem Ipsum
Not Lorem Ipsum is a collection of web copy for over 40 different industries to suit your needs. This allows you to bring a little life and realism to your designs.
Samuel L. Ipsum
Samuel L. Jackson is arguably one of the most quotable Hollywood actors of all time. It’s no surprise that a dummy text generator comprised of his quotes made our list. For those who don’t appreciate the abundance of swear words, there is also a lite version with no profanity.
Gangsta Ipsum
Lorizzle is the most gangsta Lorem Ipsum there is. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think that Snoop Dogg actually created the dummy text for this site. While the site is extremely simple and offers limited functionality, the results are hilarious.
Picksum Ipsum
If you’re a movie buff, this dummy text generator is right up your alley. Picksum Ipsum will generate some of the best lines from legendary Hollywood actors. The current lineup consists of Michael Caine, Clint Eastwood, Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman. Simply pick your favorite actor, the number of paragraphs and away you go.
Corporate Ipsum
Corporate ipsum is chalk full of over-used cliche business terms. For all the web developers and designers building business and corporate themes, this one is definitely for you. While it does produce some great corporate word content, we would like to see some variety in paragraph length or the ability to select a word count.
Heisenberg Ipsum
We’re huge fans of Breaking Bad. Naturally, we were pretty stoked when we found out there was a Breaking Bad themed text generator. With Heisnberg Ipsum, you can choose between 11 characters from the show and random lines from the show will be generated.
So far we’ve covered text generators based on movies and authors. Fillerama is the last piece of the entertainment puzzle and offers text from popular television shows like the Simpsons, Dexter and Arrested Development, among others.
Cat Ipsum
A furrier Lorem Ipsum. Litter your copy with more kitty using this furrier alternative to Lorem Ipsum.
Hipster Ipsum
Tired of being mainstream and taking our advice? Lucky for you, Hipster Ipsum was developed as an ‘artisan’ filler text for your projects. Produce dummy text with all your favorite hipster lingo.
That concludes our list of top 10 Lorem Ipsum alternatives. We hope this list will enable you to spice up some of the dummy text on your themes and websites. If we forgot any great alternatives, please leave us a comment below.
Disclaimer: We take no responsibility for clients who lack a sense of humor 🙂