MyWALL - HTML Resume Personal CV

Great news! 🔥🔥🔥 We've partenered up with Instamobile to provide you with the best app templates that will help you bootstrap your next project.
Curtis butler
over 4 years ago
I like your theme for cv. Looks great, keep up the good themes.
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  • Quality check by BootstrapBay
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  • 1-day response time from BootstrapBay for support requests
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About the Theme
Product Version: 1.0
Bootstrap: 3.3.5
Browsers: chrome, firefox, safari, opera, ie11, ie10
Tags: resume, personal, cv, portfolio, web, html5, onepage, modern design, resume theme, resume portfolio, vcard, website, template
Release Date: September 02, 2015
Last Update: March 30, 2020
Downloads: 28