Cool Things of the Week (Web Design Edition #9)

Fun fact in history this week:
  • On the 12th of October, 1928 Al Held was born in Brooklyn, New York. He is a known expressionist painter and sculptor, especially praised for his hard edge-style. The featured image is called Roberta’s Trip.

Here are the news and updates for this week, 2018:


  • If you are just starting to look for a job, you might be interested in finding about frequently asked programming interview questions. This article shares over 50 data structure and algorithms problems and their solutions.
Photo from the article.
  • And if you want to create an online resume, this template could be of help. It is pure HTML and CSS and focuses on skills and achievements.


  • If you want to learn ReactJs and don’t mind paying for a course, Wes Bos has released his fullstack advanced React and GraphQL pack. You can check it out here.


  • What do people expect when they are looking for a front-end developer? The requirements seem to have changed over the years, creating and identity crisis around this position. This article goes in-depth into this subject and explores what it means to be a front-end developer.
Comparing two roles on LinkedIn, both labelled “Front-end developer”
  • Asking for people’s birthdays in an online form is complicated because of the different formats for dates depending on the country they live in. The birthday field should have simple controls and clear formats. The UX movement has written an article describing pros and cons for multiple options.
Photo from the article.
  • David A. has created a beautiful CodePen that generates random colour harmonies.


The resources featured in this blog post are the result of us browsing some interesting parts of the internet. You can get connected and updated by subscribing to these sub-reddits:

And by checking out CSS Tricks. And the historical facts of the week.

Sharing is caring!

Cristina Conacel

Cristina is a web developer and the owner of BootstrapBay. She likes foxes, clean design, writing blog posts and creating themes that are useful to other developers.