AdminKit - Web UI Kit & Dashboard Template

Great news! 🔥🔥🔥 We've partenered up with Instamobile to provide you with the best app templates that will help you bootstrap your next project.
7 days ago
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  • Quality check by BootstrapBay
  • Unlimited access to future updates
  • Unlimited support after purchase
  • 1-day response time from BootstrapBay for support requests
  • 30-days money back guarantee

About the Theme
Product Version: 1.0.0
Bootstrap: 4.3.1
Browsers: chrome, firefox, safari, opera
Tags: bootstrap 4, admin, dashboard, admin dashboard, ui kit, design system, scss, sass
Release Date: March 25, 2020
Last Update: March 25, 2020
Downloads: 199