Datta Able Bootstrap Admin Template & UI Kit

Great news! 🔥🔥🔥 We've partenered up with Instamobile to provide you with the best app templates that will help you bootstrap your next project.
richardsric7 Purchased
about 5 years ago
I see this product has an added pages and plugins in the one on the coddedthemes website, which makes the one i downloaded here to be like an old version. is there a way of getting that latest one with those added beautify charts and plugins?
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cristina Admin
about 5 years ago
Hello Richard, We have contacted the author and asked them to update their theme with the new archive. We will let you know as soon as the new version is up and you will be able to download it from your dashboard. All the best, BootstrapBay Team
codedthemes Author
about 5 years ago
Sir, can you please give your email address. So we will give you the updated template download link there.
wheelq Purchased
about 5 years ago
Can I request the same please? Or has the code on the bootstrapbay already been updated?
richardsric7 Purchased
about 5 years ago
I bought this product, but i don't know how to download an updated version of this since i bought this product on 15th September 2019. I see the product page on seller main page and see some new charts, but i do not know if i am allowed to download the updated version.
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about 5 years ago
Hello, how can I setup this template with VUE JS?
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codedthemes Author
about 5 years ago
Hello, About this template is only a static Bootstrap HTML template. If you want to use it in vue.js then you need to convert it into vue.js components. You can not directly use it as vue.js template. Thank You
richardsric7 Purchased
about 5 years ago
When i tried doing it, the javascripts started breaking. example, once i copied the side bars into a component then it stopped exanding and collapsing. Also, the menu dropdowns stopped working. So, i either make a navigation that does not require dropdowns and does not require expanding of menu, or i use Laravel blade template where the theme is rendered by blade as template and then i use the elements as components in vue compnents. it works perfect that way. but then, if you want to use only vuejs, the javascript breaks mostly and it affects menu bar and navigation expansion and dropdowns. most things work.
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About the Theme
Product Version: 2.0
Bootstrap: 4.1.0
Browsers: chrome, firefox, safari, opera, ie11
Tags: admin template, bootstrap admin template, premium admin template, admin theme, dashboard template, boostrap 4, saas
Release Date: November 30, 2018
Last Update: May 15, 2019
Downloads: 97