11 Best Free Themes Built with React and Bootstrap

Building a website from scratch is a very time-consuming process. And if you don’t have the right skills, you won’t probably be able to create high-quality designs.

So instead of developing a website from scratch, if you use website themes, you can save a ton of time. There are themes of different kinds available on the Internet.

Depending on the type of website you need built, you have to choose a particular theme. For example, if you want to make a shopping website, you need to choose an eCommerce theme while you have to select an admin dashboard template for making a functional, sophisticated website dashboard. There are also many UI kits that give you website elements such as buttons, sliders, and navbar along with their source code.

This article talks about 11 best free themes built with React and Bootstrap.


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How to Find the Best Web Design Company within Your Budget


Web design consists of various components required to make a website. It is a set of different types of skills and ideas required in building a website. In simple words, the design of a website displayed by the internet is done through web designing.

Web design includes the layout of the website, the content available on it, coding done to create the website, graphic design, etc. A web designer is the one who creates a website. Some of the tools used for website designing are Photoshop, Wix, Sketch, PageCloud, Squarespace, etc.


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What is a Consumer Journey & How to Build One to Increase Conversions

Are you trying to find new, qualified leads for your business who actually convert? You may be following and relying on what is called a sales funnel to help potential customers go from a visitor to your website to the checkout process. You might also never see the numbers you want from that method. 

We’re here to tell you about another option that you should consider – either instead of or in conjunction with your sales funnel. This other option is called a consumer journey. We’d like to tell you what it is and how to build a successful one for your website. 


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Cheapest Way to Make a Website: 5 Cool Website Builders

Gone are the days, when launching a website used to be an expensive thing. Nowadays, there are plenty of tools out there that let you create a professional-looking website at a really affordable price. This article consists of some cheapest way to make a website. It will talk about some leading website builders offering affordable services. But before that let’s have a look at the website builder market size.


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6 Ways To Increase Your Website Content Accessibility

When the team of a UX/UI design agency starts placing content on a website, it is essential to carefully consider user experience. The layouts that you choose should not cause any negative emotions and always be intuitively in the right places. 

Accessibility of content is an indicator of its quality. This parameter determines how well the site is for people with different levels of computer knowledge. After all, a website that is accessible to different categories of users, including people with visual and hearing impairments, is better than others.


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Top Design Principles to Boost Your Website Conversions

Looking for ways to improve your site conversion rate? As you might have heard, web design can become a ticket to success or the death of your company’s image. In this brief guide, we’re going to review several web design principles that can help you boost your site’s conversion rate.

Numerous marketers today are obsessively focused on social media because it produces converting lead magnets and more –  but unfortunately, creating a superb website from the start is disregarded all too often. Although each of these aspects matters, your web design isn’t just a cover of your book. Web design can make or break your conversion rates.


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What You Should Know When Creating Your First Landing Page

Does your business need a landing page for its website? The answer is an astounding yes! 

A landing page is probably the first page of your business’ website that a customer sees and it is the easiest way to connect with potential leads, converting them into eventual buyers! 

The way this works is your landing page will make an offer to customers and in order to obtain the offer, the user will have to input some type of information. The information required is usually a name and an email address. This allows them to see the content they want and you obtain their information – it’s a fair trade! 

We’re going to tell you what the most important parts of your landing page are and how to use them to effectively capture customer information! Keep reading to find out more! 


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A Quick Checklist for Building SaaS Businesses

The SaaS (Software as a Service) market offers incredible opportunities, and if you’ve decided to venture into this area of business, you can be sure that you have made the right decision. According to statistics, the global SaaS workload grew to 206 million in 2018 and it’s predicted to reach 380 million by the year 2021.

But it can be hard to build a SaaS business from the ground up, especially if you’re new to this field. A large number of businesses make mistakes in the early stages, mistakes that could easily be avoided.

If you want to escape this fate, keep reading to get some great tips on how to build a SaaS business from the ground up. 


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Pros and Cons of Using Logo Design Contests for Your Website Logo

Gone are the days when a business meant a physical establishment with staff and goods/commodities. Today, a good chunk of the businesses across the world are completely virtual, i.e. on the Internet. However, no online business can survive today’s competitive ecommerce industry without a unique and attractive logo. This is because a logo is much more than just an attractive piece of design- it’s the public face of a company and helps in building a unique brand. 


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